We are proud to announce that UAB ELGAMA SYSTEMS is recognized as the Knowledge Economy Company of Lithuania in 2017.
The press release introduced the activities of ELGAMA SISTEMOS and presented the award:
For the unconventional approach and breakthrough in creating unique solutions, UAB "Elgama sistemos" was awarded the most advanced high-tech enterprise. UAB Elgama Sistemos - a Lithuanian capital company - has been developing and supplying hardware and software for intelligent data readout systems to various markets for 23 years.
The award was presented by Minister of Education and Science Jurgita Petrauskienė and Minister of Economy Virginijus Sinkevičius.
The Knowledge Economy Company awards are organized by the Association "Knowledge Economy Forum" together with partners UAB "EKSMA", UAB MGF "Šviesos konversija" and the daily newspaper Verslo žinios. Sponsors of the awards: UAB "Amilina", UAB "Pirmas žingsnis" and UAB "Mobiliųjų telefonų techninis centras".
We also would like to remind that the company changes its name from UAB ELGAMA SISTEMOS to UAB NAVITUS LT.